Competitive Intelligence Expert - Certified Training
The only Certified Training in Romania which recognizes the professional quality of a person to occupy the position of Competitive Intelligence Expert in a company
Methods and techniques of investigation – Elicitation
Elicitation is an information-gathering process from human sources by using a guided discussion in order to hide the collector’s intention to obtain information
Intelligence for HR Directors/Top Executives
HR Intelligence is about ensuring ambitious business goals can be met by measuring, planning and controlling human resource management activities
The Institute of Business Competitive Intelligence – IBCI was created to provide top professionals with the best competitive intelligence and organisational behaviour solutions. Therefore, IBCI mission is to provide companies and managers with tools and methods that will enable them to be more competitive and more efficient. We want to make sure that our graduates have a breakthrough in their careers and an excellent impact in their organizations.
Our Institute offers practical – oriented educational programs that prepare attendees for the real and dynamic business environment – exercises and case study methodology. Institute of Business Competitive Intelligence Courses are available in English and Romanian.
The Institute of Business Competitive Intelligence has an excellent multidisciplinary team, with professionals that are practitioners and leading experts in their fields, after training and offering their expertise to Top 10 Forbes companies, as well as hundreds of managers and executives dealing with competitive pressures on their job.
Companies need intelligence and not information.There is a major difference between information and intelligence. Information is a material often descriptive, not evaluated, results from observation, discussions, reports, rumours or images. The pieces of information can be true or false, accurate or not, confirmed or not, real or fanciful. Intelligence is actionable information – a result of the collection, assessment and interpretation of the pieces of information. Intelligence is always checked using different sources, in a cross-check process.
By using the business competitive intelligence perspective, you will be able to:
Un curs pe care il recomand, are menirea de a ne familiariza cu disciplina Intelligence iar in activitatea mea profesionala Intelligence are aplicabilitate 100%. Intelegerea profunda a procesului conduce la cresterea performantei in activitatile de consultanta si management, leadership, analiza, etc. Mi-a placut maniera in care notiunile de baza ne-au fost introduce (slide-uri, filmulete, activitati interactive) si va rog sa ma invitati la toate cursurile de Intelligence pe care le planificati in viitor (pentru aprofundare). Multumesc!
The KPI Institute
As recomanda cu foarte mare incredere acest curs pentru cei interesati de a activa in aria de colectare, analiza si diseminare a Business & Competitive Intelligence (Informatii pentru Afaceri). Cursul a fost cuprinzator si a prezentat toate elementele necesare pentru a putea ca, in urma activitatii practice, sa produci sis a livrezi un raport clientului tau, astfel incat acesta sa poata lua o decizie de afaceri. Cu siguranta voi reveni si la alte cursuri ale dumneavoastra. Va multumesc!
General Manager Pro Life Clinics
Informatiile obtinute la acest curs sunt foarte interesante si le consider extrem de importante pentru mine si activitatea mea. In acest context, am decis sa inscriu la un curs urmator inca o persoana din firma pe care o conduc. Mult succes in continuare!